How Long Does It Take To Charge A Car Battery Depleted? Here’s What You Need to Bring It Back

There are multiple reasons that your car battery can stop functioning. It could be due to leaving headlines on, not using your car for longer periods, or storing it in colder temperatures.

How to charge a car battery is one of the most common questions asked by many car owners. Thing is there isn’t a straightforward answer to how long does it take to charge a car battery as that can depend on multiple factors. But, the most important one is the amperage of the charger you are using.

A low ampere charger will charge your car battery slower, but that’s better for the long-term health of your car battery. Anyways, here’s everything that you might want to know on the topic.

How much time does it take to charge a car battery fully?

1. How long does it take to charge a car battery at 40 amps?

The 40 amp charger offers the fastest charging even if your car battery is fully depleted. All it takes is just a few minutes of charging to start the ca2000r. It is a great accessory that can be super helpful when you are on the road. All you need is just a pair of jumper cables, and you will have peace of mind whenever hitting the road.

2. How long does it take to charge a car battery at 4 amps?

In normal circumstances, a car battery holds 48 amps. Therefore, if you charge the battery at 1 amp, it will be fully charged in 48 hours. Considering the same logic, if you charge the battery at 4 amps, the battery will be fully charged in around 12 hours. But charging a battery at 4 amps is not recommended and is only suitable if you are doing it to maintain the car battery.

3. How long does it take to charge a car battery at 2 amps?

A 2-ampere charger will take almost 24 hours to charge a car battery. Therefore, if you need your car charged fast, don’t bother with this type of car battery charger. 2 amps chargers are often used to charge the battery of some old, often antique vehicle that you only drive occasionally. This charger is excellent when it comes to maintaining some charge in the battery so that the car is always ready for a spin.

4. How long does it take to charge a car battery with a trickle charger?

Trickle chargers are very popular, especially with mechanics. Mechanics use them to maintain the batteries while they work on other parts of the vehicle, especially if the car battery is detached for a longer period. The trickle charger will keep the battery charge at a good level so that there won’t be any issues when it is put back into the car to use.

If you are asking how long it takes to charge a car battery with a trickle charger, the answer is a minimum of 24 hours. Thing is trickle chargers run at approximately 2 amperes, which need at least 24 hours to charge a typical 48 amp car battery fully.

One of the best features of trickle chargers is that they automatically stop charging the car battery once the car battery is fully charged. So yes, the trickle charge will take its time, but you don’t have to worry about overcharging and damaging your battery.

Can a car battery be too dead to jumpstart?

There is nothing worse than being stuck in the middle of nowhere with a battery that doesn’t give any signs of life even if you try to charge it. Therefore, the simple answer is yes, a car battery can be too dead to jumpstart. It can be deteriorated to a level that it simply can’t hold any power at all.

But in practice, no matter how depleted your car battery is, you can at least start the car with the help of another car or a car charger. A dead car battery may not be able to hold any power, but it can still transfer some to the engine, so it starts working.

If the car battery is truly completely drained and can’t hold any power, the only remaining thing to worry about is the battery contacts. They need to be clean of corrosion so that the power can flow freely. After cleaning it, you can attach a car charger or try to jumpstart your car with another car.

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Charging a car battery while driving – facts 101

Many people also wonder how long it takes to charge a car battery by driving and how effective it is to charge a car battery while driving. Here we will look into that and explain how that is so.

Battery Deterioration

Before we look into charging a car battery while driving, we need to understand what causes it to deteriorate. There can be multiple factors, but the most prevailing one is the car’s usage cycle. Sometimes it is because you haven’t started the car for a long period, and the battery dried out, and there is no use of it, while other times, it is because of time. 

Thing is batteries, like almost every other thing in the world, can be used so many times and after a certain usage needs replacing. Very often, people tend to forget when they’ve replaced their old car battery with a new one and are surprised when there is no juice in their car battery. So, they cannot charge the battery, or it holds only a small amount of power.

Car batteries also quickly deteriorate during extreme weather conditions like too cold or too hot. Most car batteries come with a manual that lists the range of the temperatures in which the battery performs best. Anything out of those limits and the battery tend to deteriorate much faster.

A defect in the car’s electrical installation is also a common problem that can drain a battery even if it is a new one. If that happens continuously, you need to take your car to a specialized mechanic that can handle car issues related to car’s electrical wiring and electronics.

Last, but not least, many folks tend to forget their AC or lights on. As a result, the car battery gets easily drained and needs recharging. If that turns into a habit, then the battery can in no time deteriorate to the degree that cannot be recharged anymore.

How long does it take to charge car battery driving?

If you’ve managed to jumpstart the car, you can start charging it while driving. The charging time can vastly vary and depend on several conditions like RPM, usage of AC, lights, car radio, and so on.

Ideally, for the fastest car battery charging while driving, you need to head to an open highway, maintain at least 1000 RPM, and not use any AC, lights, or anything electrical in the car. That means you need to do this during the daytime and not go into areas with heavy traffic. If all the conditions are made, you will be able to recharge your car battery in around half an hour or so.

On the other hand, if you are driving within the city where there is quite a traffic, you need your lights, the AC, or you can’t imagine driving without the stereo on, the charging time will be more than an hour or so.

How to charge a car battery at home?

Charging a car battery at home is not much that different than charging a car battery at the mechanic’s shop. The only real difference is that they often have all sorts of chargers that can provide different amperage. That way, they can charge your car battery super-fast or slower, which is always better. Plus, they have the tools to check if your car battery is so dead that it cannot be recharged anymore, the cause for the battery to drain so fast, and fix any electrical issue that causes the battery to drain so fast. 

To effectively charge your battery at home, you need a car battery charger. We have already discussed above how car battery chargers work and which amperage is best. The best ones don’t need any supervision, plug them to a power outlet on the receiving side and the car battery on the output side. Remember to connect the plus with the plus and the minus with the minus side.

Other than that, keep in mind that not all chargers turn off the moment your battery is full and will keep on charging if not monitored. That’s the case with some older chargers, while most new chargers stop charging the moment the car battery is at full capacity.

You can charge your battery while driving, but often that’s not as effective as charging the car battery with a car battery charger.

What if nothing works?

If nothing works, then the first thing to do is to take your car to a mechanic to check the car’s electrical installations. The idea is to see if anything causes the battery to drain. This is important and something that a new car battery doesn’t solve. Instead, it can keep on draining your battery, even if it is a new one.

Then again, if your battery life is over, you will need to replace it with a new one. Nowadays, mechanics have the tools that can instantly diagnose whether the existing one can still serve its purpose or you need a new battery.

Tips to keep your car battery healthy

Here is a set of practical tips to keep your car battery healthy and running for as long as possible.

  • Keep your car in a garage, especially if you live in a region with extreme temperatures where it gets extremely cold or hot. Extreme temperatures can contribute to a fast deterioration of the car battery, and that’s a proven fact.
  • Keep the car battery terminals clean of rust. That way, the electricity is safely transferred to the engine. On average, the car battery terminals need to be clean every six to eight months. The entire process takes around ten minutes, and all you need is a wire brush and a mixture of baking soda and distilled water.
  • Before parking, double-check to see in case you’ve forgotten to turn off the AC, the radio, or some other device that might be draining your car battery.
  • Inspect the voltage every time you change car oil, or your car is at the mechanic for some maintenance. Most mechanics today can do that right away and let you know if all looks good, or you need to start thinking about a new one.
  • Keep the battery tightened, so it doesn’t vibrate. Strong vibrations can cause internal damages, which will only contribute to its decline. 
  • Never use electronics while idling. Every time your engine is not running, turn off all electronics in the car. That can limit battery life. Continuous idling can also lead to a decrease in battery performances.
  • In addition to the car battery, make sure that everything else works properly. Almost everything in the car is interconnected, and one malfunction can have a domino effect on others, the car battery included.
  • Limit your short rides. Short rides prevent the car battery from fully charging. The fewer short rides, the longer your battery will live.


Car batteries might be low maintenance and typically do their function without needing too much attention. However, from time to time, they can make the difference between a ride full of pleasure and being stuck in someplace.

Fortunately, if you carefully read through what we’ve presented here, you know the ins and outs of car batteries, when they tend to shut down, why that happens, how to fix that, and most important of all, how to sort that out fast and efficiently.

If you’ve any questions, feel free to let us know in the comments. Have a safe ride!

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