Your Guide On How To Hardwire A Radar Detector

You will often find radar detectors plugged into the power point of a cigarette lighter, by a cord dangling down the windshield of the car. This is actually quite disturbing and distracting for us when we are trying to put our undivided attention on the road. This not only looks odd, but it also obstructs […]

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Where To Mount Radar Detector To Ensure Best Performance

If you’re driving a vehicle of your own you should be aware of radar detectors, especially if you don’t like to get pulled up for speeding tickets. A radar detector will help you become more aware of speeding violations while you focus on the road.  A radar detector will also make you aware of any […]

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How to Put a Bike on a Bike Rack: Your Basic Guidelines

Adventure-minded people or those who would want to transport their bikes from one place to another may have encountered challenges on how to do this. While loading a bike on a car comes with challenges, the question of how to put a bike on a bike rack is common. Cars are not designed to carry […]

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