Beltronics RX65 Review – Your Top Choice Of Radar Detector

The radio wave travels, hits your car (traveling at a speed higher than the limit) which causes it to bounce back. You are not aware of this action that took place; however, you will realize it soon. But it will be too late because in no time a police car will stop you and hand you a fine for speeding.

With the advancement of radar detectors, this problem of having to pay fine has found a solution. However, these radar detectors not only come with a huge price tag but also drag a more ponderous question of whether it is really worth. This is why; you will need to know about the Beltronics RX65. To make things easier for you, we have provided below the Beltronics RX65 review.

Beltronics RX65 Radar Detector

Final Verdict for Beltronics RX65


  • Able to detect all bands of police radar
  • Front and rear laser detection
  • 7 selectable program modes

4.5 of 5 Stars

Beltronics RX65 Overview

The Beltronics RX65 is a radar detector developed to help the driver monitor the speed at which he/ she is driving, in order to not get a speeding ticket. It can detect bandwidths of all frequency and has three primary settings, which include: AutoScan, Highway, and City.

The City setting can help avoid the detection of false alerts, such as radio wave emission from automatic garage doors. The AutoScan is similar in function with City, while the Highway option will detect any and every signal found in a span of about five miles.

The Beltronics RX65 is also a LIDAR, as it can detect the thin infrared beam, which is swift in identifying the vehicle speed. The product is not only user-friendly but also has a reasonable price value.

The Beltronics RX65 Product Review

Beltronics RX65 review

Among the not so high pricey tagged radar detectors, Beltronics rx65 has notched the radar galore. I have personally found this model more user-friendly and more comfortable to master. Actually, the simplicity of the radar itself is what makes it more appealing to me. It literally has only the three buttons that cup the sensitivity settings- AutoScan, City and Highway.

If you’re a sneaky yet a person who loves their privacy, then you can get the one with the blue display light instead of the red light. But, here’s a heads up, it’s a teeny expensive than the red one. Although, both are accomplished to function in dark mode, switching off the display to only receive alerts.

The program mode offers the driver a range of seven preferences to choose from for an uninterrupted ride. Among the seven options available, there is a setting that can help avoid false signals. The driver can also customize the safety warning system. With the provision of front and back laser recognition, the driver can always be alert. It can evade getting detected by VG2 radar detector detection.

One of the major setbacks of this product is the absence of GPS. Without it, the driver won’t be alerted on red-light cameras, speed traps, and cameras. Scrolling down, you can discover more benefits in the Beltronics RX65 review.


  • Its dimensions are 6.5 x 11 x 2 inches
  • Detects all police radar bands – X, K, Superwide Ka, and Instant-On
  • Comes with front and rear laser detection, LIDAR (light detection and ranging)
  • Ultra bright 280-LED alpha numeric display
  • 4 adjustable brightness levels
  • User can change 7 different settings in Program mode

Notable Features of the Beltronics RX65 Radar Detector

1) Sensitivity

It literally has only the three buttons that cup the sensitivity settings- AutoScan, City and Highway. If you’re a sneaky yet a person who loves their privacy, then you can get the one with the blue display light instead of the red light. But, here’s a heads up, it’s a teeny expensive than the red one. Although, both are accomplished to function in dark mode, switching off the display to only receive alerts.

2) Radar Range

The rear-view radar receiver at the top right corner is going to protect you from anything coming behind you. The front detector is going to protect you from anything coming in-front of you (X, K, Ka Band, Super wideband Ka). The AutoScan which yields many false alerts in an urban environment is honestly a very annoying feature to have around. But, the three City modes helps you kind of go through the false alerts by reducing the X Band sources sensitiveness like the door openers. 

Now, this radar is completely a VG2 undetectable. And if you’re in a state where VG2 is legally applicable then, you can go invisible with the VG2 radar detector immunity through the RX65 model.

3) Upgradeable

The coolest thing though about this model is that it is ‘upgradeable.’ Which means you have the option to plug it into your computer and upload to the latest firm and software when new advanced technologies come out as they always do these days in the radar technology world.

4) Safety System

The safety warning system is shelled conveniently into a speaker system. So, instead of all those annoying beeps and sounds, the speaker system gives you over 50 verbal warnings and commands. But, if any case you wish not to hear it verbally then you shall choose so, as it can also be disabled for text options in the front display 

5) Mute and AutoMute Technology

The smart cord comes as an RJ11 plug just like they come in a modem rather than a regular AC adapter. Now, what it does for you in addition to transferring power to your radar is that it can also transmit signals or commands. And these transferred signals can be muted with a button click provided in the handle instead of pushing off all the way to your windshield or dashboard.

This is very helpful to us because it relieves us of all those crazy sounds coming off as alerts due to a door detector when parking in front of a Walmart or something. I mean like, you’re going to love this muting feature, trust me.

The Drawbacks of Beltronics RX65

The only flaw, well, is that it has no GPS system in-built in it. So, your radar will not be able to learn in marking areas where there are speed traps, red-light, and speed cameras or where there have occurred multiple false alarms. However, I would recommend you to install Waze into your mobile phone as this apps works really well for me, despite the absence of GPS in the radar detector.

Here, you can only be alerted to active traffic duty police. Yeah, so you’re going to have that one coming out for you. Sorry. But other than that, you guys, this is a high-end steal. It would be heartbreaking to see you ignore their unique features when looking for radar detectors around.

The Pros & Cons


  • Simple and easy to master
  • Has a mute option in the Smart Cord
  • Cost effective
  • It is upgradable – to keep up with the technology
  • Immune to VG2 radar thanks to its Shadow Technology


  • Not equipped with real-time GPS


The final say for the Beltronics RX65 review: it is a highly recommended radar detector. I give a 4.5-star out of a 5-star rating. The .5 less due to the GPS stuff, but that’s totally fine with me. I mean, this is such a steal for all the added features that have gone into the RX65 model. 

The spectrum of radar sensitiveness is a touch of genius consideration. I haven’t come across other radar detectors that kind of cover the bandwidth of radar signals like it. The introduction of the spiraled smart cord with a mute button feature is a hot top notch for lazy potatoes like me who finds it boring to reach full out to the windshield. And if you relate that to me, I needn’t say more. This thing is just what we needed.

The ability of this radar to become immune to the VG2 RDD is a snitch point. So, no one can find your radar out, you sneaky one. Okay, you know what, these three features are just about enough for me to emphasize on their upper hand benefits to you. Nothing is going to get better than this. It is and will be worth every cent that you spend. I have been there too on the side of skepticism before, and I can assure you that I had stood on the wrong side. It’s your turn to find out now.

Final Verdict

#1st RatedBeltronics RX65

A top-notch quality radar detector that delivers ultra performance.

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